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Mex Martillo 9:14 Thu Apr 4
Meeting with FSE & Bayer fans group - Hammers United


Hammers United and WHUST met Martin Endemann from Football Supporters Europe and Ronan Evain from fans group Bayer 4 Leverkusen on April 3rd .

We discussed Bayer opening up memberships and selling tickets to West Ham fans,only for these to subsequently be cancelled.

Neither Martin or Ronan were aware of this and promised to find out what they can and update us.

We also asked if rumours were true that Bayer would be opening up a section on the day for ticketless West Ham fans.

Martin and Ronan were not aware and thought this highly unlikely.



Whilst we understand that many of our fans will choose to watch the game in Cologne or Dusseldorf there are a fair number staying in Leverkusen and we pointed out that there would be West Ham fans without tickets looking for somewhere to watch the match there.

Whilst noting that fans had mixed well at the friendly match we asked if there would be designated ‘away’ bars in Leverkusen.

Martin and Ronan confirmed that this was not usual practice but it had happened before arranged by the local Police and that normal practicewould be for West Ham to raise.

We have now spoken to the West Ham Police and they have confirmed that they are unaware of any arrangements for ‘away’ bars.

We note that Ironworks Tours are hoping to arrange a venue.

The train station is in the centre of Leverkusen which is a 15 minute walk from the stadium.There are no shuttle buses.

It is unusual for away supporters to be kept behind in Germany and the Police would make a decision on the day.

Thanks to Martin and Ronan for their help.

Advice pieced together from website and from speaking to friends that went to the friendly match.

Thanks to Mike and Nathan.


Many Hammers will fly into either Cologne or Dusseldorf, both airports have frequent train services to Leverkusen Mittestation which is close to the stadium.

Most  involve a change of train from the airport to the main station then on to Leverkusen which takes around an hour overall, the trip from either city centre only 20 minutes to Leverkusen. Trains run late into the night back to Cologne & Dusseldorf.

The stadium can be seen from Leverkusen Mitte and is about a 15 minute walk through a wooded park ( Frankfurt revisited?) according to their website.

We spoke to Hammers who got an Uber from Cologne to Leverkusen for the friendly match at a cost of around 35 euros, journey time 20 minutes.

Plenty of watering holes in both Cologne and Dusseldorf, both are on the banks of the Rhine River and for our culture seekers Cologne is a 2000 year old city complete with gothic cathedral and numerous museums.

Some Hammers recommend Jamesons Irish bar in central Cologne which they used for the friendly match,good food and drink, and karaoke.

Looks like our section is on the first corner of the stadium as we walk up from the station, usual dedicated turnstiles where no doubt there will be a series of security checks.

Food and drink available inside and outside the ground, including a McDonalds. Everything in the stadium is charged on a cashless system.

Some Hammers attending the friendly match drank in mixed bars in Leverkusen with no problems.

Police were at the match in large numbers but kept a low profile and West Ham fans were not held behind after the match.

Obviously a competitive match could be different and as always we would advise our fans to stick together and not wander off in twos and threes.

Wishing all travelling a safe trip and hope you all have a great time.


P.S. If we reach the semi final we will of course get more tickets due to bigger stadia.

However, all tickets will have to be collected in person with passports as per Italian rules.HAMMERS UNITED
Hammers United is a West Ham United fans group dedicated to improving things for all West Ham Supporters young & old.



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BillyJenningsBoots 6:52 Fri Apr 5
Re: Meeting with FSE & Bayer fans group - Hammers United
Vot is your Address...

Dont tell him Pike!!!!

Swiss. 6:33 Fri Apr 5
Re: Meeting with FSE & Bayer fans group - Hammers United
A Hammers mate of mine who also supports USG here in Brussels said they were treated like shit going there

simon.s 10:56 Thu Apr 4
That’s the problem Rossal - some idiots just can’t keep quiet.

Rossal 10:34 Thu Apr 4
Leverkusen cancelled any tickets purchased in home end with a UK address and any of people bragging on twitter they managed to get one in the home end

One of the top guys in their supporters board has very close ties to the club directors

Our fans are thick as fuck for using UK addresses and posting about it all over twitter

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